The history of KCS
The letters KCS represent Kolff Computer Supplies, which was founded in 1984 by Krijn Kolff. Characteristic computers in the 80s were the Commodore 64 and Commodore Amiga. During these years KCS independently developed several advanced products for these computers, such as:
- KCS Speedsaver
- Power Cartridge (the well-known red box of the Commodore 64)
- Power PC-Board (for the Amiga computer)
Especially the extensions for the Commodore proved to be a major success. In the Benelux alone,
hundreds of thousands of these devices have been sold.
Parallel to the development of this successful line of products, KCS started to assemble the products itself. KCS also opened up for the development of customer specified products and the assembly of these products. This strategy proved to be successful as well and KCS soon evolved to a full-grown electronics assembly company, with knowhow of the complete trajectory of product development.
KCS’s product line
After the era of the Commodore and the Amiga, KCS moved on. In 2003 KCS developed
its own line of products of advanced Track & Trace navigation modules,
TraceME. This worldwide successful product line is proof of our knowhow and experience in the field of the development of electronics.
Until today we closely monitor technical innovations and we develop strategic algorithms to ensure that our navigation product line remains distinctive.
KCS Team
The success of KCS is made possible by entrepreneurship and the right people. The KCS team consists of highly motivated, young and slightly older employees with an extensive knowhow in the assembly and development of electronics. A number of these employees have been the empowering force behind KCS for more than 15 years; some of them for even more than 25 years.
A characteristic harbour building in the historic centre of Dordrecht is the home base of KCS. The industrious way of working of old times can still be found on the inside of Kuipershaven 22, only in a modernized form.